19 Questions With Amanda White

Photo courtesy of Alessandra Olanow

by The Candidly Team

This article is part of our series called "People We Like," in which we highlight interesting women, across all walks of life.

Leaders, great cooks, doctors, parents, writers; people who inspire us.

Today, we’re highlighting Amanda White, a therapist who not only focuses on boundaries, self-care, sobriety, and ED recovery for women, but also makes these challenging mental health topics feel accessible and relatable.

The Candidly Questionnaire

1. What’s your most compelling quality?

My authenticity.

2. What’s your worst quality, according to your friends?

I don’t answer their Facetimes or calls unless they are scheduled ahead of time. Calls that aren’t scheduled give me anxiety. I am much more of a texter.


3. What’s an overrated value you don’t buy into?

That there are people who really “have it all together.” If you are committed to growth, there are always going to be new challenges and things that you have to figure out. I believe most people who say they have it all figured out are either being inauthentic or not growing.

4. How do you feel about cilantro?

I love it and could eat it plain.


5. What's the most effective beauty trick you know?

If you don’t wear a lot of makeup regularly, when you put on more for special events, people think you look amazing!

6. How do you get your self-esteem?

From living a life that is in alignment with my values.

7. What meal can you make the hell out of?

Anything that I can put hot sauce and guacamole on.

8. What’s your favorite item of clothing you own?

I have a mild obsession with headbands.

9. How do you handle conflict in your closest relationships?

Directly and compassionately. Refrain from labeling or name-calling of any kind. Share how things appear from your perspective or interpretation.


10. What’s something you’ve changed your mind about in the last year?

TikTok! Never thought I would say this, but I love it.

11. Who is someone in your field of work that you admire?

Like probably every therapist, I deeply admire (and fangirl over) Brené Brown.

12. What Insta account speaks to you deeply?

@morganharpernichols…her words, her art, her storytelling.

13. What quote or phrase has stayed with you?

“The key to juggling is to know that some of the balls you have in the air are made of plastic and some are made of glass…You have to know which balls are glass and which are plastic and prioritize catching the glass ones.” —Nora Roberts

14.  What’s your favorite movie from the last ten years?

Black Swan.

15. What’s the most delicious bite of food you’ve ever had?

The handcrafted ice-cream sandwiches we served at our wedding. One flavor was gingersnap cookies with mascarpone ice cream swirled with blueberry compote. I still dream about it.

16. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned about yourself as a leader?

That I have really good instincts as long as I can separate my intuition from my anxiety.

17. Is social media ruining our brains?

Today, no. But ask me again tomorrow.

18. Describe your actual bedtime routine.

Walk the dogs with my husband. Leave my phone downstairs. Wash face and brush teeth. Read my kindle until I fall asleep.

That being said, I do struggle with falling asleep, so some nights that looks like me getting up again, going to a different room and starting the process all over again.

19. What’s your relationship with bangs?

Ever since I saw The Devil Wear’s Prada, I was obsessed with the idea of them. Had them twice, want them often. Unfortunately, they are not a good look for me.



What is your single favorite:

Wellness product that *actually* works: Weighted blanket.

Lip balm: Whatever random chapstick is laying around my house. People who finish lip balms amaze me.

Jeans brand: Joe’s.

Mascara: Diorshow.

Sweats: Z Supply Sweatpant Overalls.

Effective “lady” product: DivaCup.

Last minute gift: A plant.

Bra: On days where I must wear one, Knix.

Shampoo: Prose.

Comfortable shoes: Superga sneakers.

Splurge skincare: Biologique Recherche P50V.

Drugstore skincare: Aquaphor.

Everyday bag: Lululemon backpack.

Guilty-pleasure TV show: The Office.

Drink: La Croix.


At The Candidly, we recommend things we truly love, and that we think you’ll love. Sometimes, our friends recommend their favorite things, too. All details reflect the price and availability of products at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to, The Candidly may earn a commission.

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