Here’s Exactly How To Calculate How Much Protein You Need Every Day

by The Candidly Team

Unlike things like say gluten, protein has been in the nutritional conversation for quite some time. And yet, as important as we’re all frequently reminded it is, many of us still have a lot of questions about it.

Am I getting enough? Are all the bars and powders really necessary? Am I shorting myself on it the same way many women do on things like fiber or even calories

How much do I actually need?

With all the mixed messages we get around diet and nutrition, sometimes it’s nice to just have a simple, straightforward answer… or at least a solid guideline.

Of course, every single body is different and needs different things, but if you’re anything like us, you appreciate a good rule of thumb now and again. 

So, if you’d like one about protein, watch John Schaefer, co-founder at MNML Heath, share the world’s easiest equation to figure out how much you should be eating each day.


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