How To Make The Most Utterly Perfect Scrambled Eggs


Servings: 1 | Prep Time: 7 minutes | Ingredients: 2


You know that saying about chefs and cooking eggs, yes? I’m not going to google it right now but essentially it says you can’t be a great cook without knowing how to cook a great egg. And these eggs, friends, are great. Soft, custardy, creamy, memorable. And they don’t have even a splash of milk or cream. It’s allll in the preparation. And please don’t be intimidated by that. In fact, making great scrambled eggs is kind of like looking at that dumb magic eye book. The more you let yourself fall into a mindless flow, the better they’ll be. Let’s begin.



Utterly Perfect
Scrambled Eggs



  • 2 eggs (Vital Farms are just far and away the best)

  • butter (Kerrygold, please).

  • salt



  1. Heat a non-stick skillet over quite low heat.

  2. Meanwhile, whisk your two eggs in a bowl and sprinkle in some salt.

  3. Once your pan is heated, throw in a little knob of butter and it should lightly hiss, but it shouldn’t sizzle. If it sizzles, the heat is too high. Turn down the heat and make sure your butter isn’t burning. If your butter turns brown, just quickly scoop out with a paper towel and start again.

  4. Once your butter is hissing, pour in your egg mixture and move it around with your spatula, very slowly.

  5. Continuing moving eggs around, very slowly, and let the curds build up, continuing to push the big folds to the other side of the pan.

  6. This should all take around 2-3 minutes.

  7. Once they come together in a yellowy, custardy softness, sprinkle on a few more flakes of salt, and eat.


Note: The key here is patience. Patience is what turns these eggs from good to great. Don’t turn the heat up. The difference between using a higher heat for 1 minute and a lower heat for 3 minutes is noticeable in the flavor and texture.

Another note: You can also experiment by mixing your eggs in a Vitamix or blender. For two eggs this is almost psychotically decadent. If you’re cooking for a group? Genius.