How To Make Zhoozhed Up Hummus With Harissa


Servings: 2 | Prep Time: 30 seconds | Ingredients: 4


Let’s move swiftly on from the spelling of “zhoozhed” because I feel like we could fight about it all day. This is an exceedingly simple little dip that relies on the kindness of other people doing all the hard work. And those other people are called “the supermarket.” But sometimes vision is about knowing what to put together, and pretending you made it from scratch.



Zhoozhed Up
Hummus & Harissa





  1. Scoop out hummus into a lovely bowl, top with a few hearty spoonfuls of harissa, a swirl of olive oil, and a sprinkle of salt.

  2. Serve with basically anything crunchy, we’re partial to Mary’s Gone Crackers.

Note: Another easy hummus hack is to spoon your premade hummus into a bowl, squirt with half a lemon, a swirl of olive oil, a bunch of cracked pepper, and a handful of whole chickpeas.