Look At This Insane List Of “Invisible Labor” Women Do While Working A Full Time Job. It’s Staggering.

by The Candidly Team

When’s the last time your husband “asked” you to do something around the house/life/kids/non-work element of your daily existence? Never? Is it never? It’s probably never.

Because you’ve already done it or have a plan to do it or have already called the company who is coming to do it or you have RSVPd for it or responded to it or emailed about it. Right?

If you’re nodding your head up and down to the point of your neck being sore, just look at the reality of all of the things we do, every day, all the time, without being “asked.” It’s just what we do.


Image from @thatdarnchat on TikTok Via Fair Play


According to Eve Rodsky the creator of The Fair Play Method women still take on about “2/3 or more of the unpaid domestic work and childcare for their homes and families.”


Image from @fairplaylife on Instagram


Watch Laura Danger’s enraging video below. And try not to weep. It’s there a solution? Will there ever be actual, even, equality between house and work among couples? Or is our failing economy to blame for needing a 2-person income to be able to support ourselves, while also managing every, single laborious task of life that is somehow always shouldered by the woman?

Just some light food for thought. But really. Just watch.

@thatdarnchat This wasn’t the hot take you thought it was, my friend. #domesticlaborislabor #fairplaylife ♬ original sound - Laura Danger

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