We Asked A Sex Professor 4 Questions About Exactly How To Have Multiple Orgasms

by The Candidly Team

There are lots of things that go into when and whether a woman has an orgasm. The headspace. The build up. The type of sex (be it partnered or solo). The intensity of connection. The time we have to make it happen.

And then, somewhat cruelly, there’s the matter of forgetting all of this, decluttering your mind and leaning in to whatever’s possible in your body. Think too much, and you’ll likely lose momentum. Pile on pressure and it staves out pleasure like hot water to a flame.

Which is why when we bring up a topic like multiple orgasms, we don’t do it as a way of adding on yet another expectation. For some, one orgasm is enough. For others, it’s not even necessary.

But while only some odd percentage of us have experienced multiple orgasms, aren’t we all a little curious? How do they work? What makes them possible? To answer these questions, we turned to Dr. Nicole McNichols, a human sexuality professor from University of Washington and our favorite resource for all things related to sex.

1. It may sound like the answer is in the name, but what is the actual technical meaning of "multiple orgasms?" Do they have to occur immediately back to back? In a given time frame? Basically, what are we even talking about when we use this term?

The technical meaning of "multiple orgasms" goes beyond just the name. It refers to experiencing consecutive orgasms within a relatively short period of time. And by a short time, I don’t mean you have sex, go have a snack, come back, have sex again and have another orgasm. In that example, a person is having two orgasms during two distinct sexual response cycles.

With multiple orgasms, a person dips back into the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle before having another orgasm. At the same time, they don't necessarily have to occur back to back like a rapid-fire succession of fireworks. It's more about having multiple peaks of pleasure during a single session.

The time frame for multiple orgasms can vary from person to person but on average, they occur a couple to a few minutes apart. It really varies depending on your and your body!

2. How common are they really? 

No one knows exactly how many women have multiple orgasms, but studies report anywhere from 14 to 43 percent.

A recent study conducted at McGill University surveyed over 400 women ages 18 to 94 in the United States. Quite the diverse cohort, right? Researchers found that around 15% of women reported experiencing multiple orgasms - a pretty significant number!

It’s worth noting that the 15% figure represents the women who reported having experienced multiple orgasms at some point in their lives and not necessarily women who experience multiples during every sexual encounter.

That being said, multiple orgasms can be influenced by factors like arousal levels, stimulation techniques, and individual differences in sexual response. So, while multiple orgasms may not be the norm for everyone, they're definitely not an uncommon phenomenon either.


3. If you're a woman in your 40s or beyond your 40s and you've never had more than one orgasm (at best) in a given session, is there still a chance you might experience multiple orgasms in your lifetime?

Absolutely! There's always a chance for experiencing multiple orgasms, regardless of age or “orgasm history.”

Switch up the game plan. Experiment with different types of stimulation–both penetration and clitoral stimulation. Some women find that combining these two forms of pleasure can enhance their chances of experiencing multiple orgasms. Try incorporating toys, too.

Next up, let's talk about sexual mindfulness. Be present in the moment, fully attuned to your body's sensations and desires. Take the time to explore what feels good. This can be done alone or with a partner!


Image from Instagram/ @lovesexwithwildy


Masturbation can be an incredible tool for self-discovery and pleasure. It allows you to focus solely on your own desires and experiment with different techniques, pressures, and rhythms.

Understanding your own body and its unique responses is key to unlocking the potential for multiple orgasms. It's all about finding what lights your fire!

4. Do you know of a "trick" or some kind of secret to having more than one orgasm? What are the biggest things that need to happen for this to even be a possibility? Feel free to get specific. 

While I can't offer a secret “trick,” I can share some tips that can increase your chances of achieving multiple orgasms. 

1. Build up arousal. The first step is to allow yourself to fully embrace and build up your sexual arousal. I’m a major advocate for making noise and kissing more during sex. Both have been shown to heighten arousal for women. By priming your body, you set the stage for (one or) multiple orgasms.

2. Focus on clitoral stimulation before, during, or after penetration to enhance your chances of experiencing multiple peaks of pleasure. The clitoris is often the star of the show when it comes to female pleasure. Experiment with different techniques, speeds, pressures, or try incorporating sex toys designed for clitoral pleasure.

3. Don't be too quick to hit the brakes. Many women find that their sensitivity decreases slightly after the first orgasm, allowing them to ride the waves and experience subsequent climaxes. So, keep the party going and see where it takes you!

For 3 things that can be hugely helpful to having more intense orgasms, watch the below video:


This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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