This One Activity Is Amazing For Fat Loss Even Though It Barely Feels Like Exercising

Side effects include living longer.

by The Candidly Team

Ok, ready to be surprised and totally unsurprised at the same time?

The activity is walking.

Now don’t get frosty. We know you know that walking is good for you. We know you hear us rattle on about how magical it is for almost all aspects of health. We’re certain you dove straight into our article in which one of us discussed it as a vital part of her own 40-pound weight loss journey? (Sorry we just used the expression "weight loss journey.” It’s been a long week).

But did you fully realize just how effective it is at helping us humans reach and maintain a healthy weight?

Well, allow us to take the first step. (Again, long week.)

Here we go.

First, just in case you don’t read every single word we write, let’s run very quickly through all the un-effin-believable things walking does for you:

Former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Thomas Frieden once described walking as "the closest thing we have to a wonder drug.” Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Reduces risk of early death

  • Might lower your biological age

  • Boosts your brain health, including memory

  • Lowers risk of heart disease

  • Helps you get sick less

  • Could lower breast cancer risk (among other cancers)

  • Can lower blood sugar

  • Simultaneously boost energy and helps with sleep

  • Can curb sugar cravings

  • Decreases joint pain

    Builds strength and endurance

  • Promotes balance and flexibility

  • Improves mental health, lowering depression symptoms and stress

  • Helps prevent and reduce obesity

We put that last one in bold so you don’t accuse us of not getting to the point. But now that we got that of our system, let’s press on.


Image from Instagram/ @eatmorelosemore


Why is walking great for fat loss specifically?

It just straight up helps with weight loss: There are studies showing that taking more steps helps us lose more weight - 10,000 is often cited as a number to strive for.

Fights the effects of obesity-promoting genes: A 2012 study from Harvard researchers showed that a "brisk one-hour daily walk reduced the genetic influence towards obesity, measured by differences in BMI by half.” HALF!

Can help reduce abdominal fat in women: Another 2014 study found that “walking exercise can provide a safe and effective lifestyle strategy against abdominal obesity and serum insulin resistance markers in obese women.” 

Steers us away from sugar cravings: Research has shown even a short walk made subjects crave less chocolate.

It’s easy on our joints: Obviously less pain and injury equals prolonged ability to keep being active, especially as we age.

It’s accessible: Walking doesn’t cost anything. It’s something we all do to a degree anyway, so it’s non-intimidating. You can do it anytime. You can watch TV while doing it. Anywhere. Anytime. No bells or whistles - just stepping out the door.

And we all know that actually doing something consistently in our bafflingly jam-packed, exhausting lives is often going to be a matter of convenience.


Image from Instagram/ @fatlossvibe


How To Start Doing It

Get the goods: The good shoes. The good socks. The good leggings. The good headphones. The good water bottle. You have no idea how enormous a difference all of it will make. All of it.

Brisk is best: One huge study showed people who walked 80 to 112 steps per minute (think walking like you’re in a hurry) reduced their risk of premature death, cardiovascular disease, cancer and dementia more than those who moved slower. Basically, the most benefits were seen in those who walked more briskly. And you burn more calories. Obvs.

Do it first thing in the morning or right after you finish work: If you can, get it in before you can even think about it. Make it ritualistic.

If you struggle to get moving in the AM because you stayed up til the wee hours, here’s a way one of our own lifelong night owls became a morning person after 40.

Find yourself some incline: You’ll burn more calories and get your heart rate up. To a significant degree.

Aim for at least half an hour of brisk walking a day: But of course, more is more is more is more.

And for all of you who already have a perfectly tailored, multi-disciplinary workout routine nailed, we’re obviously not here to tell you that walking is the only thing we need to do for our fitness after 40. All movement is good. Strength training is MASSIVE. How we eat is, I mean … you know this. You know all these things and still, they can all just get mashed up into a brimming basket of items we feel overwhelmed by and like we’re falling short of.

But walking is this very low key, very achievable thing we can all be doing more of, and it could genuinely change every facet of our lives - from our waistline to our lifespan. It’s that huge. So we’re sorry to say that we’ll just keep crowing on about it. Even if only to give you that little extra bounce in your step, knowing you’re doing something really powerful for your health.


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