19 Questions With Kara Goldin

Photo courtesy of Alessandra Olanow

by The Candidly Team

This article is part of our series called "People We Like," in which we highlight interesting women, across all walks of life.

Leaders, great cooks, doctors, parents, writers; people who inspire us.

Today, we’re highlighting Kara Goldin, the founder and CEO of Hint and author of Undaunted, which aims to inspire readers to overcome doubts, and achieve long-term business success.

The Candidly Questionnaire

1. What’s your most compelling quality?

I’m relentlessly curious. I’m always asking questions, researching something, acquiring a new skill. And reading. The times when I’m happiest are when I’m learning something new.

Since launching Hint (with no experience in the beverage industry – or starting a company for that matter), I’ve gotten used to operating just outside of my comfort zone, knowing that the rewards of pushing through that discomfort and expanding my areas of expertise are always worth it.

2. What’s your worst quality, according to your friends?

Patience. Definitely patience.  


3. Is sugar the devil?

No, but it isn’t your friend either. And diet sweeteners are worse as they create the perception that something is healthy for the consumer.

Everything in moderation!

4. What’s an overrated value you don’t buy into?

So-called experts. So often, innovation comes from outsiders – people who aren’t beholden to conventional wisdom. In the case of Hint, we would have never succeeded if I had brought in a bunch of beverage industry veterans to launch and grow the brand.

We were creating a new category within the beverage industry, and that required a level of boldness and experimentation and invention that only comes from not knowing what the traditional limitations are. I say this all the time: I’ll take passion and curiosity over experience every day of the week.

5. How do you feel about cilantro?

I hate it! For me, it stinks.

6. What's your favorite way to zhoozh up a healthy meal in 5 minutes?

My goal is always more flavor. A squeeze of lemon, a sprig of basil or thyme, a little olive oil. Anything to brighten up a dish with some vibrancy.

7. What's the most effective beauty trick you know?

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Your skin, your internal organs, your circulatory system – they all crave water. And when you are well hydrated, your entire body flourishes.

8. How do you get your self-esteem?

I grew up the youngest of five kids, so I was often fighting for my fair share or to get what my older brothers and sisters had.

I had my first job at age 14 at a local toy store. I got the job by asking for it when I was browsing in the store one day. Then I offered to help do the buying for the store, and the owner let me. I still believe that asserting what you can do and offering to be helpful allows you to accomplish things that you didn’t think you could. 

So my self esteem comes from multiple situations like this. Offer. Show up. Be helpful. Repeat. 

9. What’s your favorite item of clothing you own?

Nili Lotan navy silk blouses. I have a lot of them. Classic and easy.  

10. What are 3 small things you do that help you make healthier choices?

  • Start off my day with a hike. The fresh air, the peace and quiet – it sets the whole tone for the day.

  • I always have a bottle of Hint with me wherever I go; lately it’s the Blueberry Lemon flavor.

  • Practice gratitude daily. Helps my mind, makes me a happier person, and also helps me to spread that energy to others.

11. How do you handle conflict in your closest relationships?

I’m a very direct and honest person with pretty much everyone in my life. I find that’s the best way to handle conflict – you address it head-on and talk about it.

12. What does it mean to you to live "undaunted?" 

Living undaunted means acknowledging the doubts that we all have — both the little voice inside that holds us back from taking the first step and trying, as well as the opinions of skeptics who are always ready to poke holes in our plans and undermine our chances at success.

When you're truly undaunted, you can actually flip the script and use those voices to motivate you. I started Hint well into my career, and there were so many reasons to doubt my chances and to be anxious about this huge undertaking. But in some ways, those butterflies in my stomach were invigorating. I knew I was taking on a life-changing challenge, and that regardless of what happened, I'd come out of it having faced some of my biggest fears and grown stronger as a result.

13. Who is someone in your field of work that you admire?

Is it cliché to say my husband? He’s the COO of Hint, and we’ve worked alongside each other for almost 20 years now. He brings a whole set of skills and a way of solving problems that are completely different from my strengths and my approach. He has a more scientific way of looking at things (he’s an intellectual property lawyer by training), whereas I come from a brand, marketing and finance background.

So, we complement each other really well, and it’s amazing to work with someone really closely who operates in a way that’s 180 degrees different from you. Especially when they’re really good at what they do.

15. What quote or phrase has stayed with you?

“What’s the worst that could happen?” 

It’s something my dad always used to say to me when I was facing a tough decision, and that advice has guided me through a lot of difficult situations. It’s taught me that, in most cases, it pays to take the risk, make the plunge, and come out the other side of it better equipped for the next challenge you’ll face.

16. What’s the most delicious bite of food you’ve ever had?

Tiramisu in Tuscany. I have a sweet tooth.

17. Is social media ruining our brains?

If you let it. You have to always think about the info that you are consuming and whether or not you are following or consuming the right info.

But connecting with people you don’t see every day, and connecting with Hint’s fans and customers has been great.

18. Describe your actual bedtime routine.

I try to turn off electronics at least two hours before going to sleep. I generally read at least 30 minutes each night. I think of at least one thing I am grateful for on this day.

19. What’s your relationship with bangs?

Not for me. We’ve all tried them at some point. But, yeah, not for me.



What is your single favorite:

Wellness product that *actually* works: Hint.

Lip balm: Hint lip balm.

Jeans brand: Joie.

Sweats: Lululemon.

Effective “lady” product: Flowers.

Last minute gift: Beautiful branches. Currently loving cherry blossoms.

Bra: Calvin Klein.

Shampoo: Kérastase.

Comfortable shoes: APL sneakers.

Splurge skincare: Tata Harper.

Drugstore skincare: Aquaphor.

Guilty-pleasure TV show: Ozark.

Drink: Hint, of course!


At The Candidly, we recommend things we truly love, and that we think you’ll love. Sometimes, our friends recommend their favorite things, too. All details reflect the price and availability of products at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to, The Candidly may earn a commission.

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