Try This One Life-Changing Thing To Get In Your Best Shape After 40

And 4 more essential ideas. Even if you’re someone who never works out.

Image from Kristin McGee

by The Candidly Team

Launching yourself into fitness at 40 when you haven’t been great about working out all these years can feel vaguely terrifying.

However, we’re not just trying to sound inspiring and trainer-ish when we tell you that it really doesn’t have to be.

Especially when you break things down.

For example, we were recently relieved to learn that for people who haven’t worked out, exercising at high intensity even for just 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week can help offset all of those big, bad scary diseases none of us want to think about because most of them happen…later.

It’s generally recommended that we all do at least 150 minutes (or alternatively 30 minutes a day 5 days a week) of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise like brisk walking, but we could also cut that time in half if we make it vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise - like jogging or running.

And any exercise we do on top of these numbers? Well, that just helps us live longer.

The point is, every time we work out, we’re doing ourselves an enormous amount of good. And we should feel good about it.

But the question remains, where do we start?

And for this, we turned to Kristin McGee, a fitness expert who’s known for countless yoga and pilates videos, privately training the fittest of celebrities, and helping launch Peloton’s yoga program.

We’re adult enough to admit that we can sometimes use such a person to feel like we’re never going to be “good enough” at exercise. But guess what? Kristin McGee is also over 40. And she has kids. And weird hours. And she gets wiped out just like the rest of us. And somehow, most refreshingly, her advice about getting ourselves to exercise isn’t big and broad and overwhelming.

She shared her straight-forward and succinct wisdom (just how we like it). Along with 5 moves we should do every. single. day. And let’s just say we were inspired.

We think you might be, too.

1. What are the biggest (and maybe most surprising) differences you find between working out pre-40 and post-40 for women?

It varies for every woman. Most noticeably for me is that my energy levels are not the same. It could be that I am a single mom raising three boys by myself and working, but I notice I need to rest more than I used to in my 20s and 30s. I found I could recover faster when I was younger and I also saw results faster.

The older I get, I have to be patient with myself and realize my body is changing, and it may not show results as fast as it used to. I also really need to pay attention to recovery, rest, and nutrition. 

2. What is one life-changing thing over-40 women should focus on for their fitness that might not be obvious or expected?

STRENGTH Training! We lose muscle mass as we age. It's so important to focus on building or maintaining muscle. 

Lifting weights, doing body weight exercises, taking a power yoga class or a Pilates class can all count as strength training. 


Image from Instagram/ @all.things.sandy


3. Is there any specific, actionable advice you'd give a woman who hasn't given much time to exercise and feels like she's just getting started?

Start small. Aim for 5-10 minutes a day and before you know it, you'll be feeling so much better. You'll naturally start to lengthen your workouts.

It is so easy to keep a set of hand weights by your bed or in your living room and do a 10 minute strength workout 2-3 times a week.

Stretch or do yoga before bed a few times.

Meet a friend for a walk a few times a week. It's not as much as you think it needs to be! 

4. Can you list the absolute most critical things a woman over 40 can do to actually feel like she's in the best shape of her life? 

I think it's a mindset to be honest. You have to shift your mind first and see yourself as a strong, fit person. You are what you think!

Your attitude plays such an important role in your lifestyle. Once you shift that, you'll naturally be doing those things that help you stay in your best shape mentally, physically, and emotionally.


5. Can you give us 3-5 specific moves you'd recommend women do every single day?

1. I highly recommend a plank you can hold for up to 60 seconds eventually. 


2. Squats are important for hip strength, lower back, and core.


3. Boat pose or V-sit (pilates teaser) for strengthening the core and supporting the spine. 

4. Dead lift or a hinge movement 


4. Push ups (bent knees work too!). 


6. Schedules will seemingly never stop being insane. How often should we aim to workout? Any hacks for making this work?

I always say something is better than nothing. Even if you only have 5 minutes, do 1 minute of each of the moves I listed up above. 

We can find the time to do anything if we schedule it in. So set up your workouts in your planner like any other non-negotiable and stick to them. 


This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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